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Get help for headaches

Get help for headaches

Have you spoken to a pharmacist about this problem? *

Pharmacists can help with various conditions such as minor cuts, sprains, aches, colds, headaches, rashes, and cystitis. No appointment is necessary. Many Pharmacists have a confidential area and are open till late and at weekends.

About the Patient’s Problem

If you’re not sure, it’s helpful to tell us whether it’s been days, weeks, months or years.
Are you age 50 or over?

Do you have any of the following?

Your jaw hurts when eating *
Blurred or double vision *
Your scalp feels sore *

Urgent advice: For immediate help:

Due to your above condition we advise you to go to or call 111.

About your headache

Timing of your headache. Tick all that apply:
How long does the headache usually last for? *
How often does the headache occur? *
Where do you feel your headache? *
Is the headache severe enough to stop you carrying on with normal activities? *

Do you get any of these symptoms in the hour before your headache starts?

Visual problems – such as seeing flashing lights, zig-zag patterns or blind spots *
Numbness or pins & needles *
Feeling dizzy or off balance *
Difficulty speaking *

Which of these symptoms do you get during headaches?

Nausea (feeling sick) *
Vomiting (being sick) *
Sensitivity to light *
Sensitivity to sound *
Throbbing headache *
Headache worse when I move *
Watering eye *
Red eye *
Blocked or runny nostril *
Sweaty face *
I want to lie down in a dark room *
I feel restless *

Since your headaches started, have you had:

Headache worse on standing *
Headache worse on lying down *
Headache worse on coughing *
Double vision *
Change in vision *
Change in hearing *
Drowsiness *
Problems thinking, remembering or concentrating *
Change in personality *
Weakness on one side of the body *
Numbness on one side of the body *
Pins & needles on one side of the body *
Slurred speech *
Poor balance or clumsiness *
Loss of consciousness (blackouts) *
Have you injured your head in the last 3 months? *

File Upload

If you have kept a headache diary, please attach a photo or scan of it to this form.
Maximum upload size: 67.11MB

Communication Preferences

How would you like us to deal with the problem? *
Video Consultation

Video consultations require you to have a smartphone, tablet, laptop or any computer with camera and microphone or headset. You will also require access to the internet, preferably over WiFi. If the practice decides on a video consultation you will be sent an email containing a link for the video consultation, so it’s best if you can receive your emails on that same device.

How quickly do you think the problem needs to be dealt with? *

If the practice has a mobile number for you, we may send text messages to this number to inform you of an appointment time, or to allow you to book an appointment at a time of your choice.

Terms & Conditions *