Management team
- Practice manager: F. Wilson
- Assistant practice manager: I. White
- Clinical operations manager: K. Bell
The management team is responsible for the day to day administration of the practice, and if you have any non-medical problems, useful suggestions or concerns.
Medical receptionists
Our team of 10 medical receptionists are responsible for actioning your repeat medication requests, ensuring medical information is correctly attached to your medical records, booking clinical consultations, managing all online, front desk and telephonic patient contact and processing new patient and temporary registrations.
Medical secretaries
Our team of 3 medical secretaries are responsible for processing referrals to secondary care, subject access requests, medical and insurance reports, providing administrative student teaching support and cervical smears administration.
Medical administrators
Our team of 3 medical administrators are responsible for ensuring secondary care information is correctly processed onto your medical records, managing patient medical records transfers and ensuring patient data quality is maintained.
Care co-ordinators
Our team of 3 care co-ordinators are responsible for managing long term conditions appointment invites, and proactively engaging with vulnerable patients to assist in attending appointments.
Prescription clerks
Our team of 2 prescription clerks are responsible for transcribing medication requests, administrating day to day medication queries and other prescription related requests.